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not the coach; the grandson of the coach

21 Mar

Who says that kids are not watching us and mimicking our moves?

Phillip identifies himself by referring to Phil. Looking to his grandfather, he knows who he is and who he is not.

Yesterday St. Joe’s lost to UConn, but the “coaches” are still enjoying their right relationship.

When he was asked who he was, John the Baptist insisted, “I am NOT the Messiah.”

How do you answer in these Lenten days, if you are asked, “Who are you?”

“Allow him to continue to do the same for us”

19 Mar

For the Little Sisters of the Poor the feast of St. Joseph (March 19) is huge. They rely on St. Joseph as their protector and provider.

Many of us say that God provides, and some of us even preach about Divine Providence. But the Little Sisters of the Poor believe it! You might know that the Little Sisters do not receive any direct funding from our archdiocese. Did you know that the Little Sisters of the Poor do not have any endowments? They are not permitted to have endowments. It is not the government or the Church that forbids them; it is by the intention of their foundress, Jeanne Jugan. Mother would insist that having large sums of money stored away and living on the interest would not be trusting that God will provide. So, the Sisters beg, every day for every need of the aging residents of their home.

When the Sisters need something, they pray to St. Joseph. They believe that, through the intercession of St. Joseph, God will provide. God entrusted Jesus and Mary to Joseph. That is an impressive reference and resume: he took good care of God’s Mother and God’s Son. So, the Sisters quite confidently pray, “God, allow him to continue to do the same for us.”

On the feast of St. Joseph the Little Sisters of the Poor delight in telling stories of how their protector and provider has come through for them, sometimes at the last minute but always on time.